Saturday, February 23, 2013

We will serve you, We will...

I remember the moment like it was yesterday. The moment when I knew the Lord was calling my heart, life and whole self to ministry. The moment that will be forever ingrained in my mind. Over the years I have been very involved in different facets and continue to these days. But over the past few months I have had this ever growing, ever burning flame in my heart to be serving in ministry. 

A few months back I blogged about the call. About my tug to youth ministry. God closes doors and opens windows. Several opportunities have come and gone since that time. And the Lord continues to move my heart. And the even more exciting part is its not just my heart but my husbands. Ryan is feeling a call too. We are being ever sooo faithful in prayer and at times even begging God to give us direction. 

I posted on facebook today: "Ready to spread my wings and fly!!! I've got dreams soo big they are about to explode!!! The Lord is stirring our hearts and I cannot wait to see where it takes us!!!" This has never been more true in our lives. Every house showing we have I feel like we are one step closer to selling and being able to take the next leap. Every decision we make, every move we make has been made with prayer. 

Now it's just a waiting season. Waiting for the huge swinging gate of opportunity to serve in a capacity that we long for. That little flame that was ignited in my heart sooo long ago has grown to a roaring inferno and I cannot wait to let it spread. God is good. He is soo faithful to those that are faithful to Him. 

We will serve you Lord. We will. 

His servant, 

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