Sunday, August 15, 2010

Red doors, Part time and beautiful babies...

Ta-da!!! It's official...we have bought and moved into our new house! It's perfect! We love it and Ryan even let me repaint the ugly front door red!!! :D I am totally in love. All we have left to do is finish decorating, unpack the rest of our offices and get the yard under control. one lived here for three months so the once very beautiful and landscapped yard is very tall and weedy and out of control. Oh, well it's a work in progress! It will soon be fall and not matter anyways!

Since the end of May and being laid off from the school I have just been working part time at Sorenson. It's been very hectic and crazy but thank ya Jesus I still have a job! I am just waiting to see where I am sappose to go on this path. I think as soon as I can un-bury my office I am going to start being all crafty and domestic again! I will make a little money doing that. I have been making some nice moola doing photography and it has kept my schedule busy! Thank you Lord!

Now the reason I haven't written in forever...well I mean obviously I have been incredibly busy. OH I almost forgot about Colorado! AND Super Summer Church Camp! It has been FOREVER!!!

At the end of June we had Super Summer camp with our youth kids. We took sixty kids to church camp. I cannot even begin to tell you how blessed I was. We have such an amazing group of on fire youth who deeply love the Lord. It's so beautiful. I was in a room with seven middle school girls. I know some people can't deal with middle schoolers....but I have a passion for them. They are soo sweet. I think I was as challenged and blessed as the students. It was a huge privilege to go as a sponsor and I sooo look forward to next year!!!

After Super Summer Ryan and I made a short trip North to Nebraska. We had a small memorial service for his dad. They finally got his headstone set so because many people were not able to come to the actual funeral we had this for those people. Afterwards we had a nice dinner together and spent some time with family up there.

On fourth of July I made the sixish hour drive to Grammy's in Colorado. There I spent two beautiful weeks. I love Colorado sooo much. Honestly I have no idea how you can live in that state and not believe in God. I worked at the Sorenson center there and met some new people and had a pretty good time. I also had the oppportunity to volunteer side by side with my Grandma at the Senior Citizens Center. Boy was that amazing. I can see how that could become a passion in my life working with the elderly.

Now...the biggest praying topic in my life as of the past few months...As many of you who read this know my little brother Anthony and his wife Tarin are my hubby and I's best friends. We love them soooooooo much. Last Christmas when Tarin was pregnant with Lydia they moved about five hours away. I can honestly say that it has been very heartbreaking and difficult for me to deal with. It is hard for Ryan and I to have a whole weekend off to go out there and for them to have money and time so it's been a difficult situation. I think I have been praying even before they left that they would move back. I totally understand that at the time it was the optimal situation for them. But I am selfish and I needed them. So we have prayed and prayed and tried not to be pushy and just listen for God's will. They came and visited and helped us move into our new house and when they left I cried like a baby. We are still praying. God is working and moving and I hope to have AMAZING news soon!!! :D

Other than that not much is going on. God is good and we have been blessed. Ryan's kids go back to school thursday and he will be with them starting tomorrow with meetings.

Fall is coming...I can't wait! :D
God is good!!!
Love always,
Stephanie Rachelle

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YAY, finally!!! I've been waiting for this update! LOVE YOU!