Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Interviews, Ball gowns and Lydia Jade...

The good Lord is certainly blessing me sooo much. I am so thankful that I have Him on my side. Today I had an interview for a full time job interpreting for a school district. It went amazingly well. I won't know the results until tomorrow but at this point it doesn't even matter. God put people in that interview that said things that I needed to hear and completely lifted my spirits. Not that I was down and depressed or anything but hey every once in a while a girl needs to hear how fabulous she is!!! :) Everything went fabulous from the time I got dressed (in my fabulously cute suit, with make-up and my hair actually done and felt skinny and incredibly) to the moment I walked out. The head over the special education department that sat in on my interview was sooo sweet. He was walking me out and told me that I am a spectacular lady and have such a huge future ahead of me and I can and will do anything I set my mind to. It just really touched me and was something my heart needed to be reminded of. Thank ya Jesus! 

Things here in our new house are going great as well! My brother and his wife and beautiful baby Lydia have moved in with us (well Tarin will be here this weekend) and life couldn't be more fabulous!!! I LOVE LOVE LOOOOOOVE having them so close. Again God really knew what my heart needed and after much prayer He has granted me the desires of my heart. They are our best friends and we have missed them over the past ten months...A LOT!!! Not to mention the fact that I am completely in love with Lydia Jade!!! I have had the privilege of getting to take care of her during the day time and some evenings and it's sweet bliss. I can't wait for the next 100 years to spend with her sweetness. I love her so so soooo much!!! God is good!!! 

I was recently doing some random online cruising and came across what is called a, "Purity Ball." The concept is an event for daughters and their daddy's/male role models to come together for an evening and from a Godly perspective discuss purity, make a vow of purity, of course eat, have a guest speaker etc. and for the males to really show their daughters how special they are and that they are a princess of the King. Most events that are held include a father daughter dance but since we're baptist and don't dance that could be skipped. I am really really thinking of trying to organize something similar to this for the girls in our church/community/lives. I cannot stress how important I think purity is. I waited. Ryan is my one and only. While I was going through high school and college I had a journal to my future husband. I would write letters in it ever so often and pray for him a lot. On our wedding day I had the privilege of giving him that book. It had my heart and soul poured into it. He thought it was really special to know that I was praying for him all this time. It was really a great experience. I want to do something for the girls around me. I want them to know how important it is to remain pure until marriage. I am totally on fire about the idea of doing something. God is moving....I am praying and researching....

God is blessing me and my life so incredibly much. Even when things don't go as planned there is always a silver lining. It's all in HIS hands. HE knows the plans HE has for me....for that I am sooo thankful. 

I love you Lord. 

~Stephanie Rachelle

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