Thursday, March 11, 2010

"Life's Healing Choices" By-John Baker

Our small group at church recently started a new study on the above titled book, "Life's Healing Choices." Let me just say that we have only met all together once and so far I am already toched beyond words. If you haven't read this book...I reccommend it. If you have "hurts, habits and hang-ups" in your life I REALLY reccommend it! If you are human like me and sin and fail at things in life....I REALLY REALLY REALLY reccommend it! :D Okay I think you get my point. It's a great study and I am looking forward to God speaking to me through it. The following is something I read from chapter one earlier this week....

"Most of us try to run from pain by keeping busy. We think, "I don't like the way I feel when I slow down. I don't like the sounds that go through my mind when I lay my head back on the pillow. If I just keep busy, maybe I can block out those feelings and drown out the sounds. We run from pain by constantly being on the go. We work ourselves to death, or we get involved in some hobby or sport until it becomes a compulsion. We're on the golf course or tennis court or somewhere all the time. Even over involvement in religious activities can be an attempt to hide our pain. We say, "Look at me, look at all the ways I'm serving God." God does want you to serve Him out of love and purpose. he does not want you to use serving Him or the church to escape your pain."

" If you're in a constant state of fatigue, always worn out, ask yourself, "What pain am I running from? What problem am I afriad to face? What motivates and drives me to work and work so that I'm in a constant state of fatigue?"

Wow. How's that for some life evaluation? Pretty profound. I think it's really something that many people in the church need to look at in their lives.

Be blessed today...serve HIM for the right reasons. Give HIM your, "Hurts, Habits and Hang-ups."

In HIS name,
Stephanie Rachelle


Anonymous said...

Wow... I'll be picking that one up at the book store! Thanks for the great recommendation!

Stephanie Rachelle said...

No problem sista!!! I can't wait to