Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Ryan Andrew...My beloved.

Today I want to share a little about my Ryan and how amazing he is...

Ryan and I met for the very first time when I was in middle school at a youth gathering. He was performing magic there with one of his good friends. I can look back and remember seeing that but I don't think I ever actually spoke to him! :) So I guess the for real time we met was when we ended up at the same college together. We started dating in September, got engaged in January and married that following June. From the very begining I fell in love with his personality, humor and the way he listened to me. He is very grounded in his faith and just gets people. We clicked from the very begining. Now that's not to say that we haven't had our bumps along the way because trust me...the Sonshine household has not always been well, "Sonshine." We had a pretty rough first three years. I can honestly tell you I didn't really fall in love with him until about our third year of marriage. Yes, I've always loved him in my heart but as far as being in love with him...it was a bit different. Money led to most of our struggles. We just got off to a really tough start. But now looking back (almost five years of marriage!!! WAHOO) I can see how far we have come. Our relationship is SOOO strong now and anyone who spends anytime with us or around us will know almost instantly that we are two little love birds. God has blessed our marriage immensely!!! We have only him to thank!

I love Ryan with every depth of my soul. He completes me and make me whole. He makes me so much more of a person (and that much more amazing). He is there for my every need and gets me through every storm. He loves me when I'm whinney, he loves me when I'm irrational and he loves me when I'm giggly and make dumb jokes!

I love that boy!!!! He is my world!!!

In Christ,

Stephanie Rachelle

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