Friday, June 11, 2010

Pop Rocks and Mt. Dew....

Can you tell life has been busy for us? I haven't updated this since the end of April. I wish I could say it was because we were moving into our beautiful yellow house....yeah....not so much. We still have not "officially" become home owners yet. I'm starting to think it's not going to happen. BUT praise the LORD I'm too blessed to be stressed about it! Without going into all the big long drawn out drama I'll just say we're waiting on a piece of paperwork and it's taking forever. Pft. Oh well though...this is the Lords will for our lives right now! :)

School is out for the summer. Or in my now unemployed case...out for good. It's kind of nice being able to sleep in and have a normal life for once. It has certainly been stress relief. In all my new found spare time we have had plenty to keep us busy though. This past week was vacation bible school. Wahoo for the awesome people that play with your children and teach them fun games!!!

This weekend we are going to the lake for the family reunion. I am sure it will be a grand time.

Also my SUPER beautiful and intelligent sister Jen is taking her ACT (again) on saturday. We're shooting for a 36 this time. And I know you just rolled your eyes...seriously she's amazing and super smart and I wouldn't be a bit surprised if she got a 36 for reals!!!

Today is our fifth anniversary!!! Holy MOLY!!! FIVE YEARS!!! I love that man sooo much. We've been through a lot but it has totally been worth the journey!!! I look forward to ten million more!!!

We got to see our beautiful God-daughter (I love saying that) and our BFF's a few weekends ago. Let me just say it was WONDERFUL to see them. My heart misses them A LOT. But PTL for Skype!!!

I think that's about all my random updates for week my biological father will be in town...we are sappose to get together on Wednesday. Then the MIL will be here on thursday for three days for a wedding. Then we have a few days then our cousins from Nebraska will be down for two days to stay with us while they attend a wedding. Then we are off to super summer church camp with our youth kiddos!!! (I can't WAIT!!! Those teens bless me!!!) Then I will be in Colorado for July.

God is good!!!!

~Stephanie Rachelle

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How amazing! So much going on, but countless blessings! I'm so glad you were able to update. I check it just about every other day... and this time you even had a layout surprise!! :) LOVE YOU!